CUB: Carbon Ultralight Basket

CME 485: Senior Design Project II (Spring 2021)

                Meet The Team: The "CME Bois"

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Dylan "Dyl" Hayenga 

Dyl is in his final year at WSU. He partook in 2 summer engineering internships: one at at Miken Sports as a manufacturing engineering intern, and the other at Avient Corporation as a materials engineering intern. He has also conducted Polymer Chemistry Research for the past two years. Dyl enjoys outdoor activities, rollerblading, sand volleyball, hanging out with the "CME Bois", shopping, drinking regular and specialty coffees, all while looking fly wearing lululemon most of the time. He hopes to eventually go to grad school for a polymer science specialty, and land a job in the Polymer/Composite Materials R&D field.

View Dyl's Resume 
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Josh Schattner 

Josh is a senior at WSU studying Composites Materials Engineering with a minor in Mathematics. Currently, he's interning for Avient Corporation here in Winona, MN. At Avient, he gets to work with composite materials on a daily basis. He is in charge of all the materials testing and works with ASTM and ISO standards, as well as fixes any engineering problems. In his free time, Josh enjoys playing sports, being outdoors, and hanging with his friends and the "CME Bois". Josh accepted employment in Toledo Ohio as a Composites Engineer with Tencom, Ltd. 

View Josh's Resume 
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Spencer Fick 

Spencer is a senior graduating in May. He is currently interning as a forklift/lumber engineer at Menards. He has also had a previous internship at Solvay as a Process Engineering Intern. In his free time, Spencer enjoys playing basketball, playing videogames, going boating, hiking, hanging out with the "CME Bois", and even doing some CAD work for fun. He is especially skilled in darts and bags, and has participated in several tournaments for both activities. He hopes to one day excel in the Design/R&D field.

View Spencer's Resume 
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Austin Sueverkruepp 

Austin is a soon to be WSU graduate. He enjoys playing piano, skiing, hanging out with the "CME Bois", and is an avid disc golfer along with our project. He disc golfs the most out of everyone, and he has even participated in some tournaments. He interns at Natural Process Design in conducting engineering-based research for notable companies/customers. He also obtained a polymer chemistry minor and conducted organic chemistry research. He hopes to one day work with engineered medical devices/drug delivery systems.

View Austin's Resume
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David Owens 

David is a spring graduate at WSU. He enjoys playing basketball, hanging out with the "CME bois", going to the beach, eating Culver's, and playing videogames. His favorite part about Winona's CME program was the extensive hands-on experience we obtain, as well as the design project. He interns at Natural Process design as an engineeing intern doing some notable research. He hopes to one day work in some sort of composites manufacturing environment with sporting goods.

View David's Resume
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CUB: Final Design

A sneak peak at the final design of the CUB: Carbon Ultralight basket. The following team worked hard throughout both semesters to accomplish the goal of developing a working portable disc golf basket made mostly from carbon fiber composite material. More information about design process, manufacturing process, and finalization of project available on other pages.

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CUB Abstract:  

The Carbon Ultralight Basket (The CUB) is a composite portable disc golf basket used for everyday disc golfing. The CUB is unique due to its carbon fiber reinforced polymer matrix, making it lighter and more durable than its metal counterparts. The CUB has a great strength to weight ratio. In turn this improves the portability of the basket when compared to other market options. The product is durable and easy to use which makes it a solid choice for beginner to professional disc golfers. The carbon fiber also provides a unique appearance that is unlike anything on the market. This carbon fiber finish is also not as susceptible to weathering as traditional disc golf baskets. The final CUB design turned out successful. The part showed to be sturdy, aesthetically pleasing, and in great working condition.  

CUB: Carbon Ultralight Basket 

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Design Project II